Respected Poster
Added: Aug 27, 2010 1:06 am
Hello, BDSM and fetish lovers.

After watching the development of this section for some weeks it is time for some new rule here:

1) Descriptive thread titles!

BEFORE you open up a NEW thread look if the theme you are posting in already exists. We are having 67 (!) threads running under the name "Best BDSM thread ever!" or "My best BDSM selection".

---> I will henceforth not allow that this board becomes just another spam board run by zombies (like it already is in main parts, if you think about it) with heartless users just spamming their links to make cash under some low quality mass-posting thread. Enough is enough.

2) Unique themes!

So: IF you want to make a new thread find a unique theme that wasn't used 200 times before.

3) Do not mix themes!

--> Just ripping some torrents from pornolab or copying the links from another guys account to your own account from another forum and spamming your links here without thinking about the material you are posting will get you banned - you have to KNOW what you are posting.

--> For example: mixing lesbian caning with men getting beaten by women videos under the label "best BDSM thread" is just ridiculous. If you had just 0,0001% inside view of the real BDSM-scene then you would know that you can not mix that - and should not mix that. Same with the fetish themes: mixing feet fetish with men wearing stockings is just insane. Stay at one theme!

You have a special label to post? Fine! One great actress? Also nice. Some special instrument that is mainly used like a cane? Great, make that a thread.

---> Every new "my best BDSM thread" will be moved to a large dump-thread labeled "All of your best BDSM-videos" in the future or this section will eventually consit of only 5 different themes and 300 threads to all the same themes.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 03, 2010 7:39 pm
I will in no case tolerate crush torture of animals and pets here.
That is very sick and sad. Do not even try to post that here.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Apr 14, 2011 4:49 pm
ayebite wrote:
I will in no case tolerate crush torture of animals and pets here.
That is very sick and sad. Do not even try to post that here.
Kudos! I find cruelty to animals despicable and immoral. I'm glad to see that such videos are not allowed to be posted here.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Oct 24, 2016 8:50 pm