Respected Poster
Added: Jul 25, 2010 2:31 pm
It looks like all of the great guys who have spent many hours keeping this place in great shape have lost their jobs. Only GS remains.

Many thanks to all of you for your hard work - you will be sorely missed.
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 25, 2010 2:49 pm
fantailedalbi wrote:
It looks like all of the great guys who have spent many hours keeping this place in great shape have lost their jobs. Only GS remains.

Many thanks to all of you for your hard work - you will be sorely missed.

However I must point out that it wasn't a JOB. We did NOT get paid. We moderated to keep the forum in order by applying the Rules...which now (apart from file hosters) don't exist. So go ahead and post what you like where you like!
Katie Kay Folder:

PM me for the new file list
I'm probably spamming
Added: Jul 25, 2010 3:32 pm
ws777ot wrote:
So go ahead and post what you like where you like!

Just as long as you use Oron! Very Happy Rolling Eyes
Retired Legend
Added: Jul 25, 2010 4:21 pm
Na na , ws777ot the rules are still there and from what I can see not changed. Apart from a small adjustment in the guidelines.
Previews are now allowed to be 750 pixels wide instead of the old 650 pixels.
Not a big deal since we had the agreement between moderators to allow images larger than 650 pixels. The real limit was somewhere between below 750 and not above 800.
The occasional image that was larger than 800 pixels was still allowed.

The weight limit of 0.5 MB was implemented to take care of the interest of the members who doesn't have fast connections.
Those members for whom it could take minutes to display a page if the image weigth was large, aswell as those who had a monthly traffic limit on their connections.
It wasn't of a concerne for the strain of the forums bandwith.
The linking to outside hosts doesn't have any impact on that.

The rules just may not be interpretated in the same way as we did.
After all we are fluent in English, ws777ot.
The russian moneylaundring maffia may not be as fluent.

This page has been saved as an html to prove it ones existed.
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 1:26 am
ws777ot wrote:
fantailedalbi wrote:
It looks like all of the great guys who have spent many hours keeping this place in great shape have lost their jobs. Only GS remains.

Many thanks to all of you for your hard work - you will be sorely missed.

However I must point out that it wasn't a JOB. We did NOT get paid. We moderated to keep the forum in order by applying the Rules...which now (apart from file hosters) don't exist. So go ahead and post what you like where you like!

You better not try that.

Good Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 4:06 am
The russian moneylaundring maffia may not be as fluent.

Mate you dont know how right you are.
In the early days of Porn (showing my age now) all of the major Porn sites from the eastern block countries was controlled by the Russian Mafia. Now it would be drugs that float their boat,but I have never heard of the Mafia giving up something that generates a shit loads of cash. So you can bet they are in there somewhere.
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 4:14 am
sigmaproject wrote:
The russian moneylaundring maffia may not be as fluent.

Mate you dont know how right you are.
In the early days of Porn (showing my age now) all of the major Porn sites from the eastern block countries was controlled by the Russian Mafia. Now it would be drugs that float their boat,but I have never heard of the Mafia giving up something that generates a shit loads of cash. So you can bet they are in there somewhere.

As far as I know PORN is still illegal in Russia. Funny but true.
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 9:30 am
As far as I can see, we've lost some of the best moderators ever...

Dentelfem, Smukke Charlie, tzman, pierrot87, wraith, ws777ot, dilligaf, Monkey D. Ruffy, Loui375, zwergi, niterider69, James Lewis...

And I forgot a lot of names, sorry.

My friend, "Mod Cyborg", Svinto, is gone as well... So sad...
(Well, he is moderating the vip club for now...)

So ? Who are the mods and the admins here ?


Ok, I've found this :

Svinto wrote:
There is no list for it as far as I know.
Here are the names I have seen.
Admins: Good Samaritan and Igor G
Moderators: square, ayebite and mialove

It really seems a few peoples to take care of a large forum ?
Added: Jul 26, 2010 9:47 am
That I know of.......ayebite, mialove, and square. svinto is back for only VIP and he said he will leave after the week end. Sad
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 9:54 am
Thank you work77009, that's what I've also found.

I'll finish what I've started here and probably leave...
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 11:32 am
very sad situation Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad i think i'm gonna leave me too
let the girl start jerkin
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 12:11 pm
Absolutely absurd that ayebite, someone who joined in February and started posting yesterday, has been made a mod.

Nothing against you ayebite, but members should prove over a course of time that they are suitable for the job.

As for square (probably a GS alias) being suitable, enough has been said of that by others already. Any good forum owner would know that someone who consistently doesn't follow the rules as a poster should never be given the right to moderate others.

I'm sorry, but under this management the board is open to abuse.
Retired Legend
Added: Jul 26, 2010 12:47 pm
Life goes on... there are other places to enjoy good fruit, and good company.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Jul 26, 2010 2:44 pm
any places to enjoy good fruit, and good company? i dont know of any besides here
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 26, 2010 3:29 pm
EDIT : Sorry, I was stoned...