Good Poster
Added: Mar 05, 2006 3:33 am
Man, I love my new Mac after many PCs (therein a million crashes and fuckups... all obsolete now thanks to the good man Steve Jobs). Only thing is theres not much utilities to be found, or probably, I aint finding them. So, if you´re a fellow Mac user maybe you can help me out here?

1. Upload to RS premium account. Are there any utilities that lets you continue a broken/abrubted upload? Fucking frustrating when I loose connection at the end of an upload, especially since my upload speed stinks... RS seems to have something for windows users in this department, nothing for Mac though.

2. Are there any joiners for wmv movies (or mpg for that matter) that works for Mac?

3. Could I have your sisters phone number? Laughing

I sincerely appreciate any help, especially on the upload bit. [/code]
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 05, 2006 9:21 am
[quote="jappen"]Man, I love my new Mac after many PCs (therein a million crashes and fuckups... all obsolete now thanks to the good man Steve Jobs). Only thing is theres not much utilities to be found, or probably, I aint finding them. So, if you´re a fellow Mac user maybe you can help me out here?

1. Upload to RS premium account. Are there any utilities that lets you continue a broken/abrubted upload? Fucking frustrating when I loose connection at the end of an upload, especially since my upload speed stinks... RS seems to have something for windows users in this department, nothing for Mac though.

2. Are there any joiners for wmv movies (or mpg for that matter) that works for Mac?

3. Could I have your sisters phone number? Laughing


Yo Jappen,

Welcome to Mac-land. The first thing you shouild do is log onto the Apple Discussion Groups. Just go to:


and search down for your model/OS, and question away.

For your upload problems, go to:

Search for "downloaders", "uploaders", etc. (make sure you're in the OSX section, if that's what you're using, or the Mac OS section for older OS's).

For joining mpg's and avi's, I would recommend getting QuickTime Pro ($30 from the site) which allows you to join, edit, cut, paste and export to other formats. Joining wmv's is a little more complex, but can be done.

Get back to me when you've got the basics, and I'll fill you in.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 05, 2006 9:24 am
Hey Jappen,

Somehow the link for got messed up. Here it is again.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 05, 2006 9:48 am
Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Greetings jappen. Aqui you have everything what you need in software.

I hope that you find something. Luck
Good Poster
Added: Mar 05, 2006 4:02 pm
PillinMadrid and Uncaff, thank you my brothers Smile

Funny thing with Mac´ers, we´re like a minority sticking out for eachother I assume. A privileged minority though!

Werf PM´d me with this, kind of sweet:

"....people from Macistan all seem to love and cuddle each other, nice culture over there! "

Thanks and muchas gracias fellas!

Very Happy
Retired Legend
Added: Mar 10, 2006 3:00 am
Hi. I'm also using Mac running OS9.xx but only for interfacing to the outside world. Lot less virus Evil or Very Mad problems.
Problems with Macs are that they quite often freezes up and you have to restart. Offline I've got two winmachines interfacing with the Mac throu a sneekernet consisting of a 1GB memorystick. Laughing So offline I'm doing all the necessery unpacking, combining, splitting and conversions that is necessery.

Laughing Razz HAPPY SURFING Razz Laughing
Respected Poster
Added: Mar 10, 2006 6:37 am
Brothers: I've never had anything but a Mac, and taken some ribbing for it, but they're superb machines.
jappen: the only thing I can add to the sage advice offered already is google this: flip4mac
It'll change your life.
My one abiding problem in sharing here is that if I try to get clips down to under 100MB for uploading, in making them .avi or .wmv the file size increases enormously. Now, I'm just a country boy, and not a computer wizard, so maybe I can learn something myself.
Did werf really say that? Well, I'm sure he meant well.
Added: Mar 22, 2006 9:44 am
HHmmmm - just how do us MAC users get around the problem of Hjsplit? A handy tool for those PC folks - but a nagging headache for MACers. Tried VLC - works for mpg files but not .avi or .wmv. Tried re-naming the clips - and they don't work after >part 1. Ah well - sometimes I just have to admit defeat.

Good Poster
Added: Mar 22, 2006 4:07 pm
buckstone wrote:
HHmmmm - just how do us MAC users get around the problem of Hjsplit? A handy tool for those PC folks - but a nagging headache for MACers. Tried VLC - works for mpg files but not .avi or .wmv. Tried re-naming the clips - and they don't work after >part 1. Ah well - sometimes I just have to admit defeat.


I use a program called JigSaw, works fine with all HJ split created files. Cant remember where I DL´d it, but you´ll find it if you google it I think.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 22, 2006 8:35 pm
Yo Jappen,

Some more info on joining in Mac:

Here's the URL for Jigsaw. I just dl'd it myself and have yet to try it, but it looks promising:

Here's the URL for a joiner called "Chunk Joiner" that only works in OS 9, but I've used it in the past and it works for HJsplit files:

And here's a discussion page where various joining utilities for Mac are discussed:

There aren't as many splitters/joiners available for Mac as there are for Windoze, but there are a few. Hoipe one of them works for you.

Apple to the core.

I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 22, 2006 9:46 pm
nice to see there are even more macusers out there Very Happy

I don't have a upload resumer, only a nice downloadmanager

For Merging Files I use "Merger"

It has sometimes problems with *.000 files. It merges them to the beginning of the new file and the most of the viedos won't work. after retrying without the *.000 file most of the files will work. It's a nice little Tool that does its job very well.

For multipart RAR-Files I use UnRAR X

I think it's much better than Stuffit Expander.

wish you much fun with your mac Very Happy
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 23, 2006 6:35 am
I've used terminal to join HJSplitted files.. Command "cat" comes handy.
For example
cat 1.avi 2.avi > 12.avi
cat [file1] [file2] ... > [destination file]

Works most of the time. Sometimes joined files gives you s**t when played with quicktime. Other players provide you with better output, if that is the case. Razz

Go Steve! :I
Good Poster
Added: Mar 23, 2006 6:44 am
Thanks for all the good tips guys, hope we can keep this thread warm Smile

Im still not able to solve my broken upload problems when I upload to RS. Anyone using a program that works for that?

Btw, JigSaw works ALL the time for me on all the HJ-splitted vids I have found here in the forum. Im running OSX.
Added: Mar 23, 2006 7:31 am
Oh Dear. I'm happy - and sad - all at the same time. Jigsaw works just fine - which means all the Hjsplit files that I couldn't open before - HAVE ALL BEEN TRASHED!!!!!!! Boohoo. Now - i have no idea what i've missed. Ah well - thanks guys. May all who read this avoid the same fate as me. MACers - go forward and may the force be with you.

Good Poster
Added: Mar 23, 2006 7:55 am
buckstone wrote:
Oh Dear. I'm happy - and sad - all at the same time. Jigsaw works just fine - which means all the Hjsplit files that I couldn't open before - HAVE ALL BEEN TRASHED!!!!!!! Boohoo. Now - i have no idea what i've missed. Ah well - thanks guys. May all who read this avoid the same fate as me. MACers - go forward and may the force be with you.


Huh? Thats really strange? I hope I didnt set you off to use a program that fucked up your shit man, sorry.. It really works smoothly for me though. Sure you didnt rename the files yourself or anything like that?