[quote="jappen"]Man, I love my new Mac after many PCs (therein a million crashes and fuckups... all obsolete now thanks to the good man Steve Jobs). Only thing is theres not much utilities to be found, or probably, I aint finding them. So, if you´re a fellow Mac user maybe you can help me out here?
1. Upload to RS premium account. Are there any utilities that lets you continue a broken/abrubted upload? Fucking frustrating when I loose connection at the end of an upload, especially since my upload speed stinks... RS seems to have something for windows users in this department, nothing for Mac though.
2. Are there any joiners for wmv movies (or mpg for that matter) that works for Mac?
3. Could I have your sisters phone number?
Yo Jappen,
Welcome to Mac-land. The first thing you shouild do is log onto the Apple Discussion Groups. Just go to:
and search down for your model/OS, and question away.
For your upload problems, go to:
Search for "downloaders", "uploaders", etc. (make sure you're in the OSX section, if that's what you're using, or the Mac OS section for older OS's).
For joining mpg's and avi's, I would recommend getting QuickTime Pro ($30 from the Apple.com site) which allows you to join, edit, cut, paste and export to other formats. Joining wmv's is a little more complex, but can be done.
Get back to me when you've got the basics, and I'll fill you in.