Added: Jun 27, 2010 12:30 pm
I'm starting this post so people can add their favorite teen jokes. I'll go first.

Roger, a fat, lazy teen-aged boy sat in his room playing video games. His mother peeps in and tells him he needs to get some exercise and get into shape. "Nah," he replied. She says she has just heard of a place that offers a special plan to lose 20 pounds in four days. "And everybody who's done it says its the most fun they've ever had." The boy is curious. The next day his mother signs him up for the four-day plan.

A day later Roger's doorbell rings and the boy opens it only to see one of the most beautiful young girls he'd ever laid his eyes on, completely naked but with a sign that says, "If you catch me you can have me." She takes off down the street and he runs after her. After a few hours he falls to the grass, exhausted. She trots back. "I'll see you tomorrow." The next day he chases her for three hours. The third day for four hours. The fourth day for four hours. At the end of four days he has lost 20 pounds.

He feels so good he asks his mother to sign him up for the seven day plan--which guarantees he will lose 40 pounds in seven days. Again a beautiful naked young girl shows up at his door step. Again she is wearing a sign that says, "If you catch me you can have me!" For seven days he chases after her. Several times he almost catches her. He ends up losing 45 pounds.

He feels really good and more confident in his physical ability, so he tells his mother to sign him up for the premium plan, which promises to lose 100 pounds in 10 days. His mother says, "You set this one up. I want it to take the initiative." He calls up and talks to the director and tells him he wants the premium plan. "Are you sure?" the man asks. "It's very rigorous." "I'm sure," Roger says with confidence.

A day later his doorbell rings. He swaggers to the door. Outside stands a tall, muscular man who is naked and beaming with all his teeth. He has a sign that says, "If I catch you, you're mine!"
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 27, 2010 12:45 pm
That's a good one Wink.
Added: Jun 27, 2010 9:55 pm
hahaha i like that one.

This one is more of a blonde joke, but all the same:

A brunette is jumping up and down on some railroad tracks repeating, "twenty-one...twenty-one..." when a blonde girl passes by and sees her. The blonde girl thinks to herself, "That looks fun!" so she asks the brunette if she can join her. The brunette replies, "Of course!" and the blonde starts jumping up and down on the tracks with the brunette, both saying, "twenty-one...twenty-one..."

Several minutes pass and in the distance can be heard the sound of a horn. The brunette walks off the tracks as a train passes by and after it passes she steps back on, starts jumping up and down, and repeats, "twenty-two...twenty-two..."