geraldbeau wrote:Actually, Darkstar, most of Freud theories haven't been refuted. Instead, his views have been dismissed because of political sentiment. I am a psychoanalyst and I know. The Oedipus complex has been validated by research and is still accepted by most modern psychoanalysts. If you have research that refutes Freud, I'd like you to cite it. If not, you shouldn't just arrogantly mouth off current propaganda about Freud.
then you should read literature that stems from outside of your narrow minded field, your complex was derailed many years ago by more prominent psychologists, AND I am a cognitive behaviourist, who unlike your bread, DO read outside our domain and appreciate the diversity of the literature out there. We DONT live in a bubble living and working on 100+ old ideas that have been disproven over and over again. The decline of the psychoanalyst is the direct result of your narrowmindedness and inability to grow.
I can honestly claim MOST of Freuds Frauds have been dismissed AND proven incorrect.
bring it, Loftus did in the 90's and almost ruined your trade.
idiot, and you should understand where that appears on the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale
and you can start your lit search with Elizabth Loftus, She alone can show a shining light on your memory.