Respected VIP club member
Added: Feb 28, 2006 4:05 pm
Well, what do you think about the rumors? If you didn't read about that... I saw in a post of Missy's Palace Yahoo Group that Christina (Christinamodel) got married recently, and maybe she'll stop modeling for the site. Also, I read in the same forum that Halee looked a little pregnant in some pics and they'll stop working with her next month.

What do you think? Is it true, or maybe only bullshit posted by the fans of Missy?
I'm probably spamming
Added: Feb 28, 2006 7:44 pm
You can see Halee on the far left as a bridesmaid. I think the rumor stems from a few NN models getting married and ending their sites such as Tiffany (TiffanyTeen) and Brandy (Brandys-Box). But if Christina feels like continuing, I think she will. Afterall, her guy (now husband) knew that she does NN posing and if he was okay with it then, he probably wouldn't have a sudden issue with it now. So I think its all her decision if she quits or not.
Added: Feb 28, 2006 8:54 pm
Phoenix1010 wrote:
So I think its all her decision if she quits or not.

I dont know if she'll quit or not but in her newest set she can be seen wearing her wedding ring so she's still modeling for now.
As for Halee I believe her final set will be released in April.
Respected Poster
Added: Mar 02, 2006 12:36 pm
HAHAHA, She's in white. YEA RIGHT
Respected VIP club member
Added: Mar 02, 2006 12:38 pm
She got married by a sailor... Laughing

Two words.

Honeymoon vid.

VIP club member
Added: Mar 03, 2006 3:09 am
Another model that has broken my heart Crying or Very sad
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 03, 2006 8:10 pm
Damn, Christina could have almost any guy on earth, and that is the best she could do? Evil or Very Mad

What a waste....Fuck, I wish I was that ugly dork. Crying or Very sad LOL. Very Happy

Hopefully the dude will push her into doing full nude modeling and videos, because I'm getting desperate.... Twisted Evil
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 04, 2006 4:00 pm
Out with the old in with the new thats life man. You just got to move on to the next chick!!!
Respected Poster
Added: Mar 04, 2006 4:15 pm
IMHO, when the ca$h flow start drying up, they'll be back. Chicks like that loves the $$$, so unless the lucky bastard who got engaged to her has some big bank accounts to keep her lifestyle going, she'll be back.
Respected VIP club member
Added: Mar 05, 2006 3:34 pm
Well, it seems they're changing some of the models and since Halee looks pregnant (I saw it in one of Christina's wedding pics), they decided to change Halee, too. In April, they'll have a new Halee, a new Kasandra, and NickiModel will change to GingerModel. Shannon, Christina and Missy will remain on their sites.

And I think they're changing from NN to almost nude or topless at least, 'cause in the main page of the sites you can see in the bottom of the page the text "* This Site Contains Adult Material * A Sexy but Non-Pornographic Site". I think if they decided to change the text "A sexy but non-nude site" to "A sexy but non-pornographic site", it's because they'll move to a "next-level" and show what they've been hiding until now. The only site that doesn't have this text at the bottom of the main page is Christina's, so I think she'll continue doing NN shoots.

And about Brandy's-Box... I don't know if she got married or not... Another P-F girl who stopped doing NN was Meredith18 (aka Border Bandit), and she decided to quit modeling for the site because she couldn't go to the photoshoots anytime Phil wanted. So getting married isn't the only reason to stop modeling.

And yes, Tugger. Christina could have any guy she wanted and I don't think he's the best she could find. I'm starting to think this american teen models have a really bad taste when it comes to guys.
Added: Mar 09, 2006 12:21 am
Screw that - I want to see a chubby halee. Hell, if they'd keep her around through at least six months I'd subscribe just for that and I don't even have any of her pictures right now.

On the other hand, maybe Christina will now feel 'safe" having a new man in her life and he'll pick up the camera for a few "educational" videos. I also don't collect her, but I'd pay money to see her take a few facials and milk those giant titties...

OK, I'm in a crude mood. I just don't get the whole "non nude" thing when you're dealing with adults. I'm bored by "porn," but I'm not going to help financially support anyone who makes the stupid equation "nude=porn."
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 10, 2006 2:50 am
Tugger, You must be a mind reader!
The same thought crossed my mind as I looked at that wedding photo.
I agree with you. Very Happy
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 10, 2006 2:56 am
Tugger, You must be a mind reader!
The same thought crossed my mind as I looked at that wedding photo.
I agree with you. Very Happy
Good Poster
Added: Mar 24, 2006 7:08 am
She and her b.f./now husband bought a house together back in April 2005; obviously they were living together at the time and went together long before that. They went to the same high school in Florida ~ he was Class of 2002, she, Class of 2004.
Her husband is not a plastic surgeon, lawyer, engineer or other professional; instead he has a hauling business (see his website). He is 22 years old. I wonder how much he makes a year for the time he works as opposed to CM? If he didn't object to her career and "make" her quit before, why would he do so now? And BTW, how are they going to make the house payments, based on hubby's hauling business?
Word has it she is quiting. I know there's a lot of rumors out there, but I got an email from a friend saying she is quiting after the new photo shoot pics are posted (I guess the ones that will start in April).
Someone from another board emailed the webmaster asking him if she was quiting (about a week ago or so) and he said the site wont even slow down and that she enjoys doing the site. Then again, it is him saying it not her. The webmaster Charles says it will keep going.

Here is what Charles (webmaster) told me.

That is one the most ridiculous rumors going around. Christina loves doing
the site and she likes the income from the site. She will never quit the
site as long as members will support her. We already have sets through July
and I was dicussing our May shoot last night with Christina.
Our last shoot was entirely different. No dancing or loud music. A different
approach. Material from that shoot will start showing up on 4-4-06.
We will also have three new models on that date. Halee, Kasandra, and
Ginger(replacing Nicki).

Yes she suprised us and got married on 2-11-06.

Halee in the wedding in Feb look ready to pop. They haven't shot anything with her in months. You have to remember that they keep 3 or more months ahead. That why the photos are so low rent. The do a quick and dirty job shooting 20 sets in one day.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 29, 2006 5:17 am
halee's url?