D4MN3D wrote:there is no dought that this forum has its own form of unique rules, guidlines and controls and i have a few questions but at the moment can only think of a couple. not sure where to put this so ill just put this here.
is there a censor control that the thread starter can use or something because it seems to me that some of the oddest phrases are censored. it seems like some words are censored becuase they could be used to tag a thread? if not i think it would be a good idea and if there already is id like to know how to use it. i hate when people say "ty for the nvbi135 pics" or whatever even if they uses a coded spelling i know that companies still google phrases like mp15tud105 and id prefer people not to do it and is there a way to keep people from doing it?
Not the board censor system edits these names, it's solely the poster itself.
The board censor edits some usual phrases and words like k1d or ch1ld for obvious reasons and it will look like this:
Monkey D. Ruffy