rogersmith wrote:I think Sibiu models don't make money as much as other models, but they think it is enough incomes for them. So they are thinking they don't need to show nude for making money.
Perhaps one of the problems here is that the Sibiu models apparently make only 10% of what one spends on them. So even though one may spend $100 talking to one of the models for an hour, she only gets $10 for that hour. Would you take your clothes off for $10?
The cost of living may be lower in Romania than in the U.S. or Western Europe, but it's part of the EU now (not on the Euro, but applying), hence cost of living is close to U.S. or Western European standards. Romania's cost of living may may be 1/2 the cost of living in the U.S./Western Europe but certainly not 10% (Russia, the Ukraine, etc are a different case, where the cost of living is generally much lower, except famously in downtown Moscow or someplace like that, but the Russian girls on SF definitely don't live in downtown Moscow. Hence in Russia, making $10/hour - less than one makes in the U.S. working at Starbucks - may be a far bigger deal in Russia than in Romania).
So assuming the cost of living in Romania is 1/2 that of the U.S., would you be willing to take off your clothes for an equivalent of $20? Still probably not, particularly if non-paying lurkers can "see all."
That's why the girls are willing to show more at other sites (where the nudity is available only to paying customers) than on SF.
So don't necessarily blame the girls. SF's business model promotes their behavior. That's why the business is called "hooking" -- "hooking" customers into dishing out more and more money hoping for something that never, ever really comes.