larryv wrote:I've been looking for more of her without any luck.
I remember this as part of a series but that's all I know.
Any help would be appreciated.

I know her as Angela Taylor, apparently Angie to her friends. A British model who first appeared around 1999 I think. I used to have some of her stuff but I think I deleted it all. Some of her sets used to be repeated at a lot of different sites. Unfortunately there's a fake-boobed bigger pornstar by the same name (and possibly a third Angela Taylor I've heard mention of too) so searching might be difficult.
Some websites she appeared on:
teendreams - Angela
teenzips - Angela/Amber - Hayley
amkingdom / ATK - ??
karupspc - ??
sheerfinesse - ??
Babyface (18eighteen) - ??
m@gazines included:
Razzle 17/6 (1999) - Becky
Mens World 11/10 (1999) - Angie (probably many more m@gs)
Edit: I found I archived one set of hers on an old DVD - find it
scotty365 wrote:I'm looking for the name of a porn actress who I cant seem to find.
She is from UK, Yorkshire, originally she has a strong yorkshire accent still. She's about 21-25 years old. She has blond hair and I think she is california based now, definately established in the porn scene.
Could it be Poppy Morgan that you're looking for? Doesn't match the blond hair description maybe, but she a Yorkshire lass and I see she's been in LA of late...