Here's another strange one, in line with the dresser analogy.
If I click on a member to see a list of all posts by the member I get for example a count of 1257 posts found.
Then when I go to the earliest made posts there are only empty pages and not before I get around 1100 I will see actual links to the posts.
I know I have a pair of dark socks but it's so darn dark in the back of the dresser so I can't see them.
This is of course the result of a database that's screwed.
We had about two years ago a problem where complete topics disappeared but the postcount remained for those who had posted in the vanished topic.
At another time I could make posts and the counter next to the avatar didn't took any notice but the postcount shown in my Profile was incremented.
In short there are database problems.
Most likely they will never be completly solved.