Jiemde wrote:Salut les Mod's
Salut Tout le Monde,
Hey Everybody,
and greatings from Wallonia (Belgium)
Recently, I found a RS-folder dedicated to the InTheCrack sets.
Here's my question :
Am I right ?
Can I post the RS-folder link I founded with my 19 explanatory screencaps ?
Or have I to REupload all these ITC sets ?
And what about these two rules :
– no more than 5 RS-links in a post...
– some thumbnails with each RS-link... ?
Thx for your answer!
Et bonne soirée!
Don't mind my bad english...
certainly better than your french...!
You should re-up the files as your own unless you have permission of the RS folder creator. First, you should make your archives unique so that if yours or the originals get reported, both sets won't go down together.
No limit here on the number of RS links per post. If what you meant was how many videos per post, in my opinion, posts should only have one set/related set per post, this makes search results more relevant.
Thumbnails/screencaps should be included for each girl.
Hope that helps.