MARKino1 wrote:Sorry, but, werf . . . you made me laugh.
No offense, Albedo039.
This girl is CUTE.
No offense, ofcourse.
But seriously, there are girls that use their real first name all the time and some times (very seldom) some sites gives them other random name.
This is what i mean "name" or "real name".
Some others use a surname too.
Of course many girls use all nicknames (none of them real) allover the sites, each time a different one.
3 different cases.
we aggree to call them with their name (real or real-like) as they appear with this most of the time. If 1% appear with a different nickname we all understand its not their "real" one.
if we found them 99% of times with the same name (real or not) we accept this as the "real name".
I think it's understood what i meant, eh?