Do any of you guys have any of the BTS videos offered by the defunct site NAKEDBY featuring Lore?
If 'm not wrong, there were the following:
2009-02-16 Yellow BTS movie
2009-03-04 First Bal BTS movie
2009-03-12 Fine Art BTS movie
2009-10-24 Cupboard BTS movie
2009-12-08 Empty Room BTS movie
2010-01-07 Pink Panty BTS movie
2010-01-29 True Moments movie
2010-03-26 Hemp Ropes BTS movie
2010-05-22 Leggings BTS movie
2010-06-03 Shock Corridor BTS movie
Continued thanks to all those who keep this thread up to date with Lor' goodies. I seems that the only new (recent months) work has been with !tc and JB. The last few Fj sets were from May 2015.
_________________ I will always try my best, but.....